Naumburg Video- und Multimedia-Produktion

Naumburg Video- und Multimedia-Produktion Concert Video Production event videographer creative director

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From our results, produced in over 20 years of video production.

Report on the innovative approaches and ideas that were presented at the kick-off event of the...

Hermannschacht, WE change through innovation in the region, Burgenland district, project start, Prof. Dr. Markus Krabbes (HTWK Leipzig - Project Smart Osterland) , briquette factory, event, TV report, Smart Osterland, Zeitz, interview

Naumburg Video- und Multimedia-Produktion - professional recording of events, conferences, concerts, discussions, theater performances at the best price in top quality...
for publication on the Internet, TV, on BluRay, DVD

Not losing the high claim despite low financial resources?

These two things usually don t go together. Naumburg Video- und Multimedia-Produktion is the exception to the rule. We use cameras of the same type of the latest generation with large 1-inch image sensors. Despite difficult lighting conditions, first-class image quality is achieved. The fact that the cameras can be operated remotely by means of programmable motor pan-tilts leads to a reduction in personnel expenditure and thus to cost savings.

From our range of services

Synchronous recording with multiple cameras (multi-camera video production)

Naumburg Video- und Multimedia-Produktion offers you the video recording with several cameras at the same time. Several cameras of the same type are used. When it comes to image quality, Naumburg Video- und Multimedia-Produktion makes no compromises. The recording is at least in 4K/UHD. The video editing takes place on high-performance computers. Naumburg Video- und Multimedia-Produktion already offers the possibility to produce videos in 8K / UHD-II / UHDTV2 / 4320p.
Video recording of theater performances, concerts, readings ...

The video recording of theater performances, concerts, readings, etc. is of course done with several cameras. The multi-camera recording makes it possible to capture the many areas of the event from different perspectives in the picture. Remote-controlled cameras are used. The very varied alignment of the cameras takes place from a central point. 5 and more cameras can be operated by a single person. Additional cameramen are not necessary.
Video reports for TV, streaming and internet

In this area, too, we can draw on a wealth of experience based on many years of activity. Over the years, several hundred video reports and TV features have been researched, filmed, edited and broadcast on television. This activity led to a wide variety of places for a wide variety of topics. These included current news and information, cultural events, sports competitions, football, handball, social events and much more. Due to our many experiences, we are able to work for you in almost all topics to produce TV reports and video reports.
Video production of rounds of talks, discussion events, interviews, etc.

The use of several cameras is also useful for the video production of rounds of talks, interviews, discussion events, etc. Two cameras are sometimes sufficient if the questioner is not to be shown in the picture in interviews with only one person. However, if it is an interview or conversation situation with several people, we naturally rely on the multi-camera method. The extent to which remote-controlled cameras must be used depends on whether the event is attended by an audience. The technical effort is reduced if the video recording is of discussions without an audience.
Editing of video and audio material

Of course, recording events, concerts, interviews and discussions is not enough. The second and at least as important part of a video production is the video editing. An important part of editing video material is adjusting and mixing the soundtracks or audio tracks. The integration of additional text and image material as well as the integration of logos and blurbs also takes place during the video editing. We also cut videos from their or material from other sources. If the soundtracks of a concert recording are to be remixed and mastered, you can supply them accordingly.
Small series of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs

Our range of services also includes the production of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs in small series. CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs not only offer unbeatable advantages in terms of archiving. The shelf life of USB sticks, memory cards and hard drives is limited. Since Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs contain no electronic components, this potential vulnerability and cause of data loss is absent. Blu-ray Discs, DVDs, and CDs are great for selling, gifting, and archiving music, videos, or files.

From the results of over 2 decades of video production
Request to local politics - the letter of a resident - the citizens' voice Burgenlandkreis

Request to local politics - A resident of the Burgenland ... »
Employees in the hospital - The letter from a resident - The citizens' voice of the Burgenland district

Employees in the hospital - A letter from a citizen of the Burgenland ... »
TV interview with pastor Hans-Martin Ilse: Insights into the Romanesque church in Flemmingen and its importance for the region

Visit to the Romanesque church in Flemmingen: Pastor Hans-Martin Ilse leads through the ... »
TV report on the culinary journey through time - a dinner in ancient Rome with interviews by Monika Bode and visitors to the event at Arche Nebra.

Historical Roman dishes in the Burgenlandkreis - A journey into the past with a Roman dinner ... »
Recording of the protest action END OF THE AMPELSPIEELCHEN in Weissenfels on September 18th, 2023

Colorful impressions: Video summary of the protest against traffic light games in Weissenfels, ... »
Magical impressions: A look back at Germany's largest fairytale parade in Bad Bibra

Fairytale ambience: impressions of the largest parade of its kind in ... »
Thoughts of a young mother from Naumburg - The citizens' voice of the Burgenland district

A young mother from Naumburg - The submission with thoughts on the Corona ...»
Video recording of the 4th Pecha Kucha night in the Zeitz town hall, topic: utopia, Posa monastery, open space

Video production of the 4th Pecha Kucha night in the Zeitz town hall, headline: Utopia, ... »
Bundeswehr reservists prepare for the Blücher March in Zeitz: Insight into the training and preparations for the state competition, accompanied by an interview with Hans Thiele, the chairman of the state group of reservists in Saxony-Anhalt.

On the way to victory: report on the Blücher March in Zeitz and the training of the ... »
Farewell to Monika Kaeding after many years as head of nursing at the Burgenlandkreis Clinic in Zeitz.

Farewell to the long-standing nursing manager Monika Kaeding at the Burgenlandkreis Clinic in ... »
Focus on the Romanesque house in Bad Kösen on the Romanesque Road - Interview with Kristin Gerth, research assistant at the Naumburg Museum.

Portrait of the Romanesque House in Bad Kösen on the Romanesque Road, in an interview with ... »
For the 30th anniversary of the Festanger in Zorbau there was a great celebration with a parade, a rifle club and dancing. We spoke to Martin Müller, the chairman of the Zorbauer Heimatverein 1991 eV, about the events of the day.

There was a true anniversary celebration in Zorbau: the Festanger was 30 years old. The ...»

Naumburg Video- und Multimedia-Produktion cross border
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عربي ⋄ arabic ⋄ arabic
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ქართული ⋄ georgian ⋄ Гүрж
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فارسی فارسی ⋄ persian farsia ⋄ persia persia
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lietuvių ⋄ lithuanian ⋄ litháískur
italiano ⋄ italian ⋄ taljan
Ελληνικά ⋄ greek ⋄ grekisk
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Монгол ⋄ mongolian ⋄ মঙ্গোলীয়
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lëtzebuergesch ⋄ luxembourgish ⋄ luxemburguês
日本 ⋄ japanese ⋄ giapponese
türk ⋄ turkish ⋄ তুর্কি

Оновлення сторінки зроблено Aida Morris - 2024.07.01 - 08:38:48